Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Welcome From Jessica & Ashley!

Hey guys - this is Jessica & Ashley! It's been on our minds for a while now to start a blog as a creative outlet for all of the things we love, including; food, fashion, family, and most importantly our faith. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
A little background on us - we have been friends for about 10 years now and are even next door neighbors! Jessica is a stay at home mom to a three year old girl named Kate, with another girl due in June, and she has been married for almost 10 years to her husband Dan. She loves to craft and bake in her free time (which doesn't come too often!) 
Ashley is a full-time worship & young adult Pastor at her church and is married to her teenage love, Mike. She loves writing and singing music as well as fashion and traveling the world. 
The title for the blog, Made for This, comes from the fact that we believe God made us to be exactly who He wants us to be. It's about accepting yourself and finding your confidence in Him, and knowing you were made in His image. Whether you are a stay at home mom, struggling to find your sanity at the end of the day, or single and working towards your career, we want you to know Him and see yourself the way He sees you - fearfully and wonderfully made!

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